
Fabulous Finds: The Islamic Adult Coloring Book

By: Theresa Corbin

Published by: Djarabi Kitabs Publishing

I have always been intrigued with colouring. So when the whole “adult colouring” thing started. I was drawn to it. The idea of adult colouring is pretty amazing. Then those who take the time out to add the ‘Muslim-ness’ to it….MashaAllah! ๐Ÿ˜

Adult colouring has been shown to improve stress, help focus and creativity. It is therapeutic without being a therapy. There is so much wonder as to how it works (as drugs have mechanisms of actions).

According to the American Art Therapy Association, art therapy is a mental health profession in which the process of making and creating artwork is used to “explore feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety and increase self-esteem.” So basically, it’s similar to good old therapy.

Despite the fact that coloring and art therapy aren’t quite the same thing, coloring does offer a slew of mental benefits

This book is Theresa Corbin’s attempt to help non-Muslims understand a little about Islam and to help Muslim de-stress. Adulting is really hard as you adults know, especially with the Muslims in parts of the world where they constantly have to defend their religion every day. However, when you pick up your colouring pens and a book like this, the sky doesn’t have to be blue or grey.

It totally helps with stress plus you learn a little something while you are at it. For instance, memorise a du’a, or a hadith and so contribute to your Akhirah. Certainly! Every experience can be made educational. MashaAllah!

I like adult colouring. I find its repetitions relaxing and it clears my mind and helps me focus especially when I need to memorise something. It is cheaper than therapy. You may however still need therapy as some problems cannot just be coloured away even if we wish they could. Lol!

May Allah ease our affairs. Amin.

Every day, I am humbled and inspired by the talents in the Muslim Ummah. We are blessed indeed. Alhamdulillah! You can get your copy here or here.

Until next time,


12 thoughts on “Fabulous Finds: The Islamic Adult Coloring Book”

  1. You’re very right when you say adulting is hard lol!
    I’ve seen a lot of colouring books around but I think a ‘Muslim’ one may be right up my street. I’ve always found art relaxing so I may have to give it a go insha Allah


  2. Iโ€™m not an adult colouring book type of person, maybe I should give it a try to help my anxiety hmm. But thank you for sharing, honestly did not know there was an adult version, always saw kids one when I was younger. (

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